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Pigment Permanent Red 170 की खरीदी की निविदा

Pigment Permanent Red 170 की खरीदी की निविदा

FOR TENDER NO : GEM/2023/B/4201151
Unit Name : बैंक नोट प्रेस देवास
Name of Contractor :

M/s Kwalichem Private Limited, Navi Mumbai

Value of Contract : 208,000
Item/Nature of work : Pigment Permanent Red 170 की खरीदी की निविदा
Mode of Tender Enquiry : GEM
Date of Publication of NIT : 12/05/2023
Type of Bidding : 2 bid
Last Date of Receipt : 12/26/2023
Nos. of Tenders Recd.: 7
Nos. of Parties Qualified after technical evalution : 5
Nos. of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution : 2
Names of Parties Qualified after technical evalution :

M/s Kwalichem Private Limited, Navi Mumbai
M/s Apex Dyes and Intermediates, Ahmedabad
M/s Arrow Greentech Limited, Mumbai
M/s Micas Organics Limited, Vapi Gujarat
M/s Shree Industries, Ahmedabad

Names of Parties DisQualified after technical evalution :

M/s BR Enterprises
M/s Seven Continents Export

Awarded to Lowest : Yes
Scheduled Date of completion of supplies : 08/12/2024
Contract No : GEMC-511687703670498
Contract Date : 05/14/2024
Actual Date of Start of Work : 05/14/2024
Actual Date of Completion :
Award Date : 05/14/2024
Award Upload Date : 05/16/2024
Reasons for delay if any :
Remark if any :